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Etiqueta: Rural-publicaciones

Review of literature on illegal drugs in the region

Review of literature on illegal drugs in the region Authors: Tatiana Martínez, Edgar Castro Méndez This document presents a summary of academic research papers on illegal drugs. All papers were published in 2018 and each one falls into one of three categories: production, trading, and consumption of illegal drugs. Descriptions and other related articles can be found in the appendix. First, we present papers related to drug production: studies on the presence of coca crops and alkaloid processing laboratories. Colombia is perhaps the best studied country in this area. This section also reviews...

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Is forced erradication of coca crops effective?

Is forced erradication of coca crops effective? Authors: Tatiana Martínez, Edgar Castro In Colombia, several attempts have been made to control coca leaf production through aerial eradication, manual eradication, and voluntary crop substitution. Available results from areas throughout the country suggest that these measures have not been successful and have instead had negative effects on the population. Rigorous studies on the effectiveness of anti-drug policies indicate that measures that attack the strongest links in the value chain of the drug trade, such as seizures, have better results...

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Drogas y políticas sobre drogas: lo que todo el mundo necesita saber

Drogas y políticas sobre drogas: lo que todo el mundo necesita saber Autores: Mark A. R. Kleiman, Jonathan P. Caulkins y Angela Hawken El consumo y el abuso de las drogas son tan antiguos como las advertencias bíblicas a propósito de la ebriedad y tan nue­vos como las llamadas “drogas de diseñador”. Ya sean legales —como el alcohol y el tabaco— o ilegales —como la cocaína, la marihuana, la heroína o las metanfetaminas—, las drogas pueden brindarles placer inofensivo a algunas personas que las consumen, mientras que otras más pueden tener un mal com­portamiento bajo su influencia o desarrollar...

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